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This is just what my dream was like. |
I've had very vivid and realistic dreams the last four nights that I could feel (and even see, as in fists and elbows pushing my stomach out) the baby moving. They are so realistic and tactile that I'm shocked awake (not realizing I was asleep) lying in the exact position I was dreaming I was in, and nearly rolled over and woke Brooke up to have him feel. Only when I realized that my hand (where I "felt" the baby move) was near my ribcage (baby still below belly button) did I realize I was dreaming. While it's kinda cool to have a preview of sorts, it's not cool to be awoken from a dead sleep confident that something is punching its way around your abdomen. That then becomes kinda creepy and hard to go back to sleep. I really hope the attached photo is Photoshopped. It looks painful.
Also along the lines of "it's a keeper" is the fact that all of our test results have come back clear. Not sure if we'll do an amniocentesis (test where they shove a giant needle through my stomach wall to suck up a bit of amniotic fluid to test for stuff like Downs and more) or not. Large part of me wants to know now, but there's also a small (1 in 1,600) risk of miscarriage and false positives. Jury is still out on that.
I'm currently 13 weeks, 5 days, baby is about 3.5 inches long, and bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean, although we are fairly sure it's not in fact Mexican. I've lost 11 pounds, but have put on about 3lbs of "baby stuff", so that probably means I lost 14lbs of fat... who knew pregnancy could be a diet plan. I definitely had it to lose too... having gone up two cup sizes in the last three years, I'm just fine with going back down a bit before production starts rolling and they go up again. I never thought all those years ago in high school as a "late bloomer" that someday I'd be wishing for smaller boobs... definitely falls in the category of "be careful what you wish for!"
So, the long and short of it is that now that I'm not feeling like crap all the time any more (even made it out for sushi tonight!*), and have felt the baby move, it's becoming more real and thus more fun and easy to get excited about. I've found I tolerate pain a lot better than nausea. I think that might come in handy later.
*Yes, yes, I know, sushi is on the "no, no!" list. I don't care, it sounded good (not much of anything else does these days), I need the protein, and 61 million Japanese women who ate sushi while pregnant can't all be wrong. They still kick our ass at math. I understand that you're just not supposed to eat bad sushi as it sucks extra bad to have food poisoning while pregnant. Oh, and keep the tuna to a minimum too because of the mercury. Having my first full meal in weeks (and keeping it down) was worth it.
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