Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Real Problem With Chick-fil-A and Dan Cathy

The Chick-fil-A controversy is NOT about first amendment rights. I don't care what Dan Cathy THINKS. I care what he DOES with the millions and millions of dollars (five plus I believe) he's made with his company, and who he gives them to. Groups like Focus on Family, and Exodus International. These organizations actively support laws allowing people and institutions to discriminate against some of our neighbors, children, friends, teachers, doctors, and family. Not just here, but internationally, in countries where homosexuality is a crime, punishable by death. This is not some guy on a corner with a sign and a megaphone. This is a significant force that has the power to adversely change millions of people's lives.

Some people say his company doesn't actively promote discrimination, it's just his opinion, so what? I say if selling people a product, then taking some of the profits from that product to give to organizations that will fund attempts to make it legal for you to actively discriminate against your gay employees (and people who want to have access to birth control, or limitless other options to deny services to someone based on "moral grounds") isn't actively promoting discrimination, I don't know what is.

How do you think the gay Chick-fil-A employees (and I guarantee there are some) feel now? When they saw the restaurants fill up with people supporting "traditional Christian values" that meant denying them rights that the customers themselves had without question? When they saw the Twitterverse flood with seemingly corporate justified and supported hate speech such as "if you see any fags kissing outside of Chick-fil-A, please feel free to hit them with your car!" and "woo-hoo! No more fags allowed in Chick-fil-A!" do you think that made them feel welcome? Do you think any closeted gay employees will be coming out any time soon while they still work there?

If Bill Gates told everyone tomorrow he was taking profits from Microsoft and supporting fundamentalist Islamists who in turn relegate women to the status of cattle everywhere they can, I bet you'd be pissed you'd went with the PC over MAC.