Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Alive (& Kicking)!

So I've been feeling the baby move for quite awhile now, starting around 13 weeks I think (going on 23 now). The other day she got hiccups (or was beating out a rhythm on my organs), which was kinda weird and funny.

Today while sitting at the computer I had one hand on my belly and felt her kick especially hard and saw my hand move in my perephial vision so I pulled up my top and this time I SAW her kick... or at least the bulging of my stomach in reaction to it. Super cool, but also kinda creepy. Another "is this pregnancy or a scene from Aliens" moment. This has been a owner occcupied only body for 35 years, it's kinda weird to have another being sharing it with me now.

We're headed to Barra de Navidad Mexico Wednesday through the weekend for a babymoon/birthday party. Will be nice to catch up on some of the sun I missed while stuck on the couch this summer being sick. Haven't spent much time there since I a) grew up in southern California which is not hugely different in parts from Mexico, and b) can't stand most Mexican food. I'm glad that I have the excuse of being pregnant to be picky about food at least, otherwise I'd be eating a heck of a lot of quesadillas!

Met with a couple of doulas today. I like the idea of having someone who is there just to take care of me (and Brooke) while the midwife is focused more on the baby. She'd be here at the house with us when labor begins all the way through the whole ordeal helping to keep me focused, calm, and as pain free as possible (hah!). One can always hope.

I am totally full from an awesome seared ahi tuna wasabi salad... but I can't stop thinking about the giant ripe pomegranates down in the kitchen. Mmmmmm....

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