Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where's My Glow, Goddamnit!

Alrighty, I'm now 16 weeks. Still battling nausea (but it's better), still not much of an appetite either. Belly's getting bigger, about 33" around now. My nails are growing like crazy, but my hair kinda looks like crap and my skin is dry and I am certainly NOT glowing. However, I count myself lucky. I haven't put on a ton of weight (down a net 10 still), no hemorrhoids (though I understand there's still plenty of time for that fun to show up), not super moody (still only in dreams), no bizarre cravings for chalk or dirt (pica, it happens), no insomnia, leg cramps, heart burn, stretch marks, giant painful ta-tas, skin tags, lactose intolerance, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or melasma (pregnancy mask)... yet.  All not totally unheard of side effects of pregnancy. So it could be worse.

I also have a long way to go before I'm first chair and will be playing solos in the butt-trumpet section in this household (I'll let you wonder if my husband or dog is current master of that instrument), but I can (and do) belch like a truck driver. I don't know why, it's like I'm full of air (some would say hot air). Sometimes I think it's not a baby bump but a giant air bubble instead.

Twenty seven days until we find out if we'll be stuck with a lot of ugly baby stuff in pink or blue. Day before my husband's 40th birthday... will he get a penis or a vagina? Leaning towards the latter, but we'll see. Looking forward to that, it'll be cool to start identifying with Spawn more once we know the gender.

Next blog: Why is most baby stuff so goddamn ugly? They couldn't care less if their bouncy seat has Elmo or rainbow fish or teddy bears on it, and grown adults would never buy a piece of furniture for themselves with that crap on it, so why do we get it for our babies? Who decided that crap was appropriate? Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Buy gender neutral stuff that will be age appropriate until age ten. Get a crib and your basic furniture. The crib we got at Costco, and the furniture from a second hand store in Ballard (the crib went to Kym's Kiddy Korner after third kid, the Ballard second hand stuff we still have!).

    Don't worry about the "baby" stuff... he/she does not care. Infants only care about contrasts, and parents should really only be concerned about safety.

    It is actually safer to change a diaper on the floor. Just get a pad, put it in your bathroom and change the kid. Bathe the baby in the kitchen sink. I bathed my youngest in the laundry sink because it was next to the kitchen (especially important after she smeared an entire jar of vaseline on herself after Grandma left it on floor... it is useful for diaper rash).

    The most important thing is a good car seat. Those will have to be replaced as the child grows.

    Oh, going through your blog is giving great ideas for ScienceBasedParenting articles. Now why do I feel very old?
